
Waiting for Me
Alex can’t believe his parents want to move to Alaska in January. For the whole nine days of their drive from California, he can’t move beyond the cold dark days and the disaster of leaving behind all his friends.
Busy complaining about what he has to leave, he almost misses what’s waiting for him—Alaska-style winter adventure, definition-changing friendships, courage-stretching situations, and the dog he’s always wanted.
And winter doesn’t last forever. Soon Alex discovers a new side of himself and a new question about who had made the plans for his life.
A friend suggested I should write a book for boys and the first thought that popped up was a boy and his dog. In Alaska.
I was fortunate in having stories to draw on from the move my son and daughter-in-law made to Kenai in January. They are the ones who planned the nine-day journey from Santa Clara to Kenai. They are the ones who sat on the edge of Liard hot springs in their swimsuits as their hair iced up. They are the ones who told me about the gigantic blocks of ice on the beach and the house perched atop the cliff. But the adventures are Alex's.
I hope you will enjoy joining Alex as he explores his new home, and that you will fall in love with Alaska as he did.
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